# powerdns-scripts A collection of powerdns scripts for managing my setup The scripts execute the `pdnsutil` commands via SSH on the target servers. ## configuration Configuration of the ssh targets happens via environment variables: ### `PDNS_PRIMARY_SSH` ``` PDNS_PRIMARY_SSH=root@primary.domain.com ``` ### `PDNS_SECONDARIES_SSH` ``` PDNS_SECONDARIES_SSH=root@secondary1.domain.com;root@secondary2.domain.com ``` ### `PDNS_APIKEY` ``` PDNS_APIKEY=qqqqq-qqqqq-qqqqq-qqqqq ``` currently needed for deleting records, thats only possible via API apparently ### `PDNS_API_PORT` ``` PDNS_API_PORT=8081 ``` different http port for API requests, defaults to 8081 ### `PDNS_API_SCHEME` ``` PDNS_API_SCHEME=http either `http` or `https` (if https, api must have trusted certificate) ``` ## Commands ### `dns-a-delete` usage: `dns-a-add sub.domain.com` ### `dns-a-delete` usage: `dns-a-delete sub.domain.com` ### `dns-cname-add` usage: `dns-cname-add sub.domain.com other-sub.domain.com` ### `dns-cname-delete` usage: `dns-cname-delete sub.domain.com other-sub.domain.com`