Permalink will generate a absolute link like https://localhost:1313/css/main.min.css, which will make the browser cannot find the file if you browse your resume in another machine insteal of the one running `hugo server`. Changing to use RelPermalink will fix it, which will generate a relative link like /css/main.min.css. Signed-off-by: Adam Tao <>
59 lines
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59 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode }}"><!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
{{ $style := resources.Get "css/main.scss" | toCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.RelPermalink }}" />
<link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
{{ if .Site.Params.useFontAwesome }}
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{{ end }}
{{ range .Site.Params.css }}
{{ $style := resources.Get (printf "css/%s" .) }}
{{ if $style }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ ($style | toCSS | minify | fingerprint).RelPermalink }}" />
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<title itemprop="name">{{ .Site.Title }}</title>
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<div class="grid">
<header class="flex-row">
{{ partial "header" (dict "Header" .Site.Params.header "Data" .Site.Data "useFontAwesome" .Site.Params.useFontAwesome) }}
{{ range first 1 .Site.Params.pages }}
<div class="left-column">
{{ range .features }}
{{ partial "section" (dict "Feature" . "Data" $.Site.Data "useFontAwesome" $.Site.Params.useFontAwesome) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="right-column">
{{ range .Site.Params.side }}
{{ partial "section" (dict "Feature" . "Data" $.Site.Data "useFontAwesome" $.Site.Params.useFontAwesome) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range after 1 .Site.Params.pages }}
<article class="paper">
{{ range .features }}
{{ partial "section" (dict "Feature" . "Data" $.Site.Data "useFontAwesome" $.Site.Params.useFontAwesome) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if }}
{{ partial "footer" (dict "Footer" .Site.Params.footer "useFontAwesome" .Site.Params.useFontAwesome) }}
{{ end }}