{{ range .Data.publications }}
{{- if .link }} {{- end -}} {{- if eq $.Feature.style "IEEE" }} {{- range .authors -}} {{- substr .first_name 0 1 }}. {{ with .middle_name }}{{ substr . 0 1 }}. {{ end }}{{ .last_name }}, {{- end -}} "{{ .title }}", {{- if .journal }} {{- "" -}} {{ .journal }}, {{- with .vol }} vol. {{.}},{{ end -}} {{- with .page }} pp. {{.}},{{ end -}} {{- else if .thesis }} {{ .thesis }}, {{- end }} {{ .date }}. {{- else if eq $.Feature.style "APA" }} {{- $last_index := sub (.authors | len) 1 -}} {{- range $i, $e := .authors -}} {{- if and (gt $i 0) (eq $i $last_index) }}& {{ end -}} {{- $e.last_name }}, {{ substr $e.first_name 0 1 }}.{{ with $e.middle_name }} {{ substr . 0 1 }}.{{ end -}} {{- if ne $i $last_index }}, {{ end -}} {{- end -}} ({{ .date }}). {{ .title }}. {{- if .journal }} {{- "" -}} {{- .journal -}} {{- if .vol }}, {{.vol}}{{with .issue}}({{.}}){{end}}{{ end -}} {{- with .page }}, pp.{{.}}{{ end -}} . {{- "" -}} {{ end }} {{- else }} {{- $last_index := sub (.authors | len) 1 -}} {{- range $i, $e := .authors -}} {{- if and (gt $i 0) (eq $i $last_index) }}and {{ end -}} {{- $e.last_name }}, {{ substr $e.first_name 0 1 }}.{{ with $e.middle_name }} {{ substr . 0 1 }}.{{ end -}} {{- if ne $i $last_index }}, {{ end -}} {{- end -}} , {{- "" -}} {{ with .date }}{{.}}.{{ end }} {{ .title }} {{- end -}} {{- if .link }} {{- end }}
{{ end }}