# hugo server --minify --themesDir ... --baseURL= baseURL: https://example.com/ title: Hugo Book theme: hugo-book disableKinds: ['taxonomy', 'taxonomyTerm'] # Book configuration disablePathToLower: true enableGitInfo: true # Code highlight # pygmentsStyle: monokailight pygmentsCodeFences: true # Multilang config defaultContentLanguage: en languages: en: languageName: English weight: 1 ru: languageName: Russian weight: 2 params: # (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page. # Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (https://gohugo.io/functions/default/) # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter BookToC: 3 # (Optional, default none) Set the path to a logo for the book. If the logo is # /static/logo.png then the path would be logo.png # BookLogo: /logo.png # (Optional, default none) Set leaf bundle to render as side menu # When not specified file structure and weights will be used # BookMenuBundle: /menu # (Optional, default docs) Specify section of content to render as menu # You can also set value to '*' to render all sections to menu BookSection: docs # Set source repository location. # Used for 'Last Modified' and 'Edit this page' links. BookRepo: https://github.com/alex-shpak/hugo-book # Enable "Edit this page" links for 'doc' page type. # Disabled by default. Uncomment to enable. Requires 'BookRepo' param. # Path must point to 'content' directory of repo. BookEditPath: edit/master/exampleSite/content # Configure the date format used on the pages # - In git information # - In blog posts BookDateFormat: 'Jan 2, 2006' # (Optional, default true) Enables search function with lunr.js, # Index is built on fly, therefore it might slowdown your website. BookSearch: true # (Optional, default none) Search config for flexsearch index. # Read documentation at https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#usage. By default 'balance' preset is used. # This option allows to set specific configs for languages support. Must be valid JavaScript object. BookSearchConfig: | { cache: true }