#43, Update tree menu rendering to support multiple sections
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 249 additions and 69 deletions
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ git submodule add https://github.com/alex-shpak/hugo-book themes/book
Then run hugo (or set `theme: book` in configuration file)
hugo server --theme book
hugo server --minify --theme book
### Creating site from scratch
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ git submodule add https://github.com/alex-shpak/hugo-book themes/book
cp -R themes/book/exampleSite/content .
hugo server --theme book
hugo server --minify --theme book
## Menu
@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ $block-border-radius: 0.15rem;
.markdown {
line-height: 1.7;
> :first-child {
margin-top: 0;
line-height: 1em;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.25;
// remove padding at the beginning of page
&:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
line-height: 1em;
b, optgroup, strong {
@ -106,6 +106,18 @@ ul.pagination {
@include dark-links;
.book-section-flat {
margin-bottom: $padding-16 * 2;
> a, > span {
font-weight: 600
> ul {
padding-left: 0;
.book-page {
min-width: $body-min-width;
flex-grow: 1;
@ -213,6 +225,7 @@ aside nav,
// Extra space for big screens
@media screen and (min-width: $container-max-width) {
.book-menu nav,
.book-toc nav {
padding: $padding-16 * 2 $padding-16;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# hugo server --themesDir ... --baseURL=
# hugo server --minify --themesDir ... --baseURL=
baseURL: https://example.com/
title: Hugo Book
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
weight: 1
bookFlatSection: true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Fida abluere audiat moram ferarum terram virgae
## Facere fluidove ab naides ut sic cornu
Lorem markdownum Lucifer est, ire tangit inposito terram. Ore et pes lavet nuper
longam, longa sub, erat nec Lemnicolae, in.
[Et](http://sumparvi.org/ossaquerecludit) nec tantaque sollicitive cognovi et ut
videbar verso **passis**, Epimethida tutos. Dedecus Desine morae.
Fervens esse et tenet cinisque per: et vir equus formaque superorum tollit,
vires meae magnum; Latona. Fundamine potitur genialis: imagine gaudet et herba
rura vates horrendum, laborum quis: potero aureus habitantque illos nox? E
factorum breve ad in verum Euboea templis volitat pompa aureus pallebant
videres, replet inque color? Capit et bipennem Finis sonuere magno nec pennis
exhortatur tenebat, ait.
## Gurgite caede Hippocoon auxilio furit
Freta amatos. [Saxum](http://horas-pericula.net/inprudens.php) vocanti Iovem sui
quicquam viro linguae minus, ara nec tu ipsa ars miserae, quam tetigit vacet
inque. Fuistis Deucalion, populi invidiae *indicat texere est* Helicon simul.
1. Hominum quantaque membra duos
2. Domum tela
3. Totus penna
4. Charaxi cogitis Hoc caelo est removit Anubis
5. Simulacra Delo posset insula
6. Infelix et nox fixa adhuc
## Trabes per coercet mittere toro
Cerae movit: patria quid, Alpheias **magicaeque** puer! Cum venit quidem, sors
erigor coniunctis sparsa carpe periuria in vultu temperat gradibus. Tutus
fecimus, caput; flamma mentis retia fuit Pallas.
> Arbore et agitasse partes patrem dumque ab, nec infans, sollemnia summis
> resque, de malles ille? Ultor fugaverat nemus, quaerenti nolle coniugis
> manibus contraque pace. Fuit verba ipse ignavi vulnus. Nam illud *inferius*
> iuvenale iuncta tandem.
Deus hostia Peneidas ad passu in venerat postes
[nymphae](http://ullo-herbae.org/). Sagittis tabo sibi marmoreum.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Ego numen obest
## Mors curru Iove pedibus curva humano salutem
Lorem markdownum, mole, profugus. Madida ne quantus, pars verba lacrimis
memorique longius cupidi ipse attrahit et. Vota liberiore rector suos fallit
videor iustissimus barbara quod habet. Tantum patriaeque *omnia spectes* inimica
mari nec spemque ululare: nuper quodque, sic, quo.
var php_wireless = 4;
siteWinsock.switch_inbox += so_control_logic;
if (target_website.bugCopyrightIcs.cms_digital_method(mca_active) >
cloneScrollHttps) {
https_drop_hard(97, sshPayload + autoresponder_bmp_file);
hypertextCommercialBookmark = optical_impact;
architecture = userRate.unfriend(petabyteFile(irc, wave,
logic_tag.impact.cookie_favorites(5, 83)), listserv, malware_cad(
Populi annum deprendere suae recumbis in sedem starent! Super non accedat
percepitque negare inconcessisque habitare: puerum: picta. Haec natamque, in
rubentem auctore quantas oetaeas **certamine** levatae sollicitumque mecum vultu
obstructaque. Limina subtemen qui trepidare virgine! Enim rumor paenituit haec
**crimine Melampus** sidus.
## Partem robora herbae ilice hic exspectatus tepidique
Heu fugit carne, illo ex Iunonis ut tempora sacrata, adhaesi. Fallunt eque
1. Vile ille res sidera gaudebat felicia auxilium
2. Sacra curam adfusique vasti progenitore omnia nutantem
3. Quod notum spesque extentam fores in voces
4. In qualia aequo
5. Auro commoda
6. Mearum huic volucres locorum formosus
## Invidiae fidemque cogamque esset potentia Minos
Sub silicem, semesaque nec, pone pariterque tendentem, in pactae suarum recurvas
et contra tu minister via. Subducere tangeris neque coniunxque utque. Virga
altam, mortemque: **ubi** procul, et vidi committit. Et
[Alpheos](http://nivea-pavens.io/ferroclara.html)! Perfide age magna per aequor
abstulerat, Boeotia sentit succincta ad linquit confugisse certae, de dignatur
> Sic nacta saxo *crura*, iustis rorantia premens tempora lecte sumpsisse
> nusquam ulvam, apta! Sed sub plumas consueta quae; tibi mihi nec committi
> mundi?
Ipsa dea serpentum illic; aspicit reticere Aeaciden mitto; est novis exul.
Invidit senior vela, cava sed plumae vident ille ipse domo litus ac fallere
lumina, nisi famem cycno.
Nunc miserata admisitque [nata](http://mollibus.net/secessitnostrique), cum
loco, **iacerent**, te medullas matres. Fraude tamen, prorumpit puerum primo
polus regalia pampineis iungunt nec, aderis replent carituraque cervus.
Primusque lapides ad inpia pedibus; non fare praeterit penetralia in pedum uror.
Rapitur vivis lacrimis, vena et *dixit*.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Natusque putat tu vero
## Scylaceaque neve coepisse
Lorem markdownum hostem et addit arbusta iacuit laetissimus medio, quae quoque
faciente. Belli et fuerant fuerat, curas Abas equos sacerdos iactasque videndo
tanto, sub. Et simulasse caedis, est nec acre addiderat, manet Phrygiae
quisquam, ater, aura sua **deique cornua**. Bacchi *dixi* cum tollit, ad
sinistra mirum, non se dis fraudare in decimo vocet. Ducunt **Acrisio sine
ratem**: enim illas venti, ferit nam ora.
> Crescente cernis ritusque et vertice potui, fugam conferat enim, quin te Iuno,
> Calydonia! Cursum est suo lassant quam cutis virgo urbe illa auras, finem.
> [Trabem est](http://www.tutus.io/) secedere Bybli laudant quercus tribuitque
> relinque et cornua ora, et quoniam maledicere viscera caelobracchia omne hoc.
> Metaque Arcas patet *intraverat tenet*.
Silvisque primae tulisset sive sonuere, incola visa veniat temptantes spernimur
et dictis se. Sub gerunt. Aqua [tantum templi](http://www.dextra.net/)
peregrinis ut *aevo cuique* falsi, ibat avidae transitus.
## Modo auctor imbres est
Clanis cernere monstravit illic quoque, in ignis male una deme? Alta sonanti
relatus Pindo: nisi Pico edidit data tamen rurigenae avoque. Quotiens vela petis
inposuit et parte utque, tempus pars contendere facturus tumidus. Flores
culpavit fera retinens, vita puer publica ferebat positas.
if (mashupTopologyMnemonic(70) >= domain_correction_schema) {
romTeraflops = log_android;
mms_vrml_alignment(keyboard, oop, computerCodec);
retina_samba_arp *= desktop_itunes_mainframe(leopard, 511935) * 88 /
direct_excel(-3, infringement_bespoke_apache, cmyk);
drivePowerPlay.registryAix += dma;
text_data.upsOdbc = error(user(processor_token_forum) * art_ajax_ldap);
Patriaque volvitur scire Naryciusque iuvenem dixit adfusique bicorni cupido.
Tecumque corpore sublato, mox hostibus et muneris, non. Draconum noscit dapibus
scopulis spondere lupum diro, illo ille victoque cibis; umentia spes.
Alumno est postquam gracili adnuimusque ore est praemia, ulla patitur: te disce
erat cruribus prosunt. Arboris illis neque, et erubuit Gallicus: iam remisit
adimuntque adsuerat nolit attonitus! Torvamque sensi ut fecundo fortuna bracchia
fuerant, semper de manet inseris.
Ictibus in cursus in, in isque Polyxena et Solis oris pressa exclamat *in tori*
lactente. [Locoque](http://est.net/et.html) iam fata Stygia lege transire.
@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{{ partial "docs/html-head" . }}
{{ partial "docs/inject/head" . }}
{{- $content := `
{{ $content := `
# Hugo Book Theme
This is a placeholder for home page.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ You can override this page in:
- `/content/_index.md`
- `/layouts/home.html`
` -}}
` }}
<main class="flex justify-center">
<div class="book-page markdown">
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="align-center book-git-footer {{ if not .GitInfo }}justify-end{{ else }}justify-between{{ end }}">
{{ with .GitInfo }}
{{- $date := .AuthorDate.Local.Format (default "January 2, 2006" $.Site.Params.BookDateFormat) -}}
{{ $date := .AuthorDate.Local.Format (default "January 2, 2006" $.Site.Params.BookDateFormat) }}
<a href="{{ $.Site.Params.BookRepo }}/commit/{{ .Hash }}" title='Last modified {{ $date }} by {{ .AuthorName }}' target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<img src="{{ "svg/code-merge.svg" | relURL }}" /> {{ $date }}
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
{{- template "hrefhack" . -}}
{{ template "hrefhack" . }}
{{ with .Site.GetPage .Site.Params.BookMenuBundle }}
{{- .Content -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.BookEnableJS }}
{{- template "jsmenu" . -}}
{{ end }}
@ -1,47 +1,59 @@
<!-- Put configured sections list to .Scratch -->
{{ template "book-get-root-section" . }}
{{ $bookSection := default "docs" .Site.Params.BookSection }}
{{ if eq $bookSection "*" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "BookSections" .Site.Sections }}
{{ else }}
{{ $bookSections := where .Site.Sections "Section" $bookSection }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "BookSections" $bookSections }}
{{ end }}
{{- range .Scratch.Get "BookSections" -}}
{{ template "book-section" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.Permalink) }}
{{- end -}}
{{ define "book-section" }} <!-- Single section of menu (recursive) -->
{{ $sections := .Scratch.Get "BookSections" }}
{{/* If there is only one section to render then render its children, else render all sections */}}
{{ if eq (len $sections) 1 }}
{{ with index $sections 0 }}
{{ template "book-section-children" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.Permalink) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ range .Section.Sections }}
<li {{- if .Params.bookflatsection}} class="flat-section" {{ end }}>
{{- if .Content -}}
{{ template "book-page-link" (dict "Page" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{- else -}}
{{- template "title" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ range $sections }}
{{ template "book-section" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.Permalink) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "book-section" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ define "book-section" }}
{{ with .Section }}
<li {{ if .Params.bookFlatSection}} class="book-section-flat" {{ end }}>
{{ if .Content }}
{{ template "book-page-link" (dict "Page" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ else }}
<span>{{ template "title" . }}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ range .Section.Pages }}
{{ template "book-section-children" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-section-children" }}
{{ with .Section }}
{{ range .Sections }}
{{ template "book-section" (dict "Section" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ template "book-page-link" (dict "Page" . "CurrentPage" $.CurrentPage) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-page-link" }}
{{- with .Page -}}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" {{- if eq $.CurrentPage .Permalink }} class="active"{{ end }}>
{{- template "title" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-get-root-section" }}
<!-- Complex logic to guess page title without .Title specified -->
{{ $bookSection := default "docs" .Site.Params.BookSection }}
{{ if eq $bookSection "*" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "BookSections" .Site.Sections }}
{{ else }}
{{ $bookSections := where .Site.Sections "Section" $bookSection }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "BookSections" $bookSections }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "book-page-link" }}
{{ with .Page }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" {{ if eq $.CurrentPage .Permalink }} class="active"{{ end }}>
{{ template "title" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -9,4 +9,8 @@
{{ end }}
{{ partial "docs/inject/menu-after" . }}
{{ if .Site.Params.BookEnableJS }}
{{ template "jsmenu" . }}
{{ end }}
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{{/*These templates contains some more complex logic and shared between partials*/}}
{{- define "title" -}}
{{- if and .File .Pages -}}
{{ define "title" }}
{{ if and .File .Pages }}
{{ $sections := split (trim .File.Dir "/") "/" }}
{{ $title := index ($sections | last 1) 0 | humanize | title }}
{{- default $title .Title -}}
{{- else if .File -}}
{{ $title := .File | humanize | title }}
{{- default $title .Title -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ default $title .Title }}
{{ else if .File }}
{{ $title := .File.BaseFileName | humanize | title }}
{{ default $title .Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- define "hrefhack" -}}
{{ define "hrefhack" }}
{{ $attrEq := "$=" }}
{{ $attrVal := .RelPermalink }}
{{ if eq .RelPermalink "/" }}
@ -23,17 +23,16 @@
color: {{ default "#004ed0" .Site.Params.BookMenuBundleActiveLinkColor }};
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{- define "jsmenu" -}}
{{ define "jsmenu" }}
(function() {
var menu = document.querySelector('aside.book-menu nav')
addEventListener('beforeunload', function(event) {
localStorage.setItem('menu.scrollTop', menu.scrollTop)
menu.scrollTop = localStorage.getItem('menu.scrollTop')
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{- $dateFormat := default "January 2, 2006" .Site.Params.BookDateFormat -}}
{{ $dateFormat := default "January 2, 2006" .Site.Params.BookDateFormat }}
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Pages "Params.hidden" "ne" true) }}
{{ range sort .Paginator.Pages }}
<article class="markdown">
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
<strong>{{ .Date.Format $dateFormat }}</strong>
<p class="markdown">
{{- .Summary -}}
{{ if .Truncated }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">...</a>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{- $dateFormat := default "January 2, 2006" .Site.Params.BookDateFormat -}}
{{ $dateFormat := default "January 2, 2006" .Site.Params.BookDateFormat }}
<header class="markdown">
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
<strong>{{ .Date.Format $dateFormat }}</strong>
Add table
Reference in a new issue