+++ title = "Use Tina.io CMS" description = "" weight = 3 +++ Do you prefer managing your site using a CMS? Or would you like to make it easier for someone (a non-techie, perhaps) in your team to make edits easily? If interested, follow along. Else, skip to the [next section](../organize-content/) Let's sync your site with Tina CMS. ## Prerequisites !! Obviously you ought to have __a github account__. This is where your website source will live. Basically, Tina will read from github and write (commit) to your github repo. {{< tip "warning" >}} Gitlab or bitbucket will work too. Just check their [implementation here](https://Tina.io/docs/git-sync/gitlab/). Happy fishing. {{< /tip >}} ### Requirement 1 : A Tina.io account Jump over to [Tina.io](https://tina.io/) and sign up for an account. Consider signing up using your github account. That way, you don't have to deal with passwords. ### Requirement 2: A Netlify account _(optional)_ If you intend to host with something other than Netlify _e.g github pages_, please scroll on. Hosting with Netlify is a lot of fun though; I highly recommend it. ### Step 1 : Fork or Clone Compose theme First we will fork [this theme's](https://github.com/onweru/compose) template. ### Step 2 : Add your repository in Tina CMS {{< tip >}} The exampleSite already comes with prefilled placeholder Tina settings. If you set up your site using [option 2](../install-theme/#option-2-recommended) {{< /tip >}} Edit `./static/tina/config.js` and replace tina CMS tokens with values from your own Tina account ```json ... clientId: "6ff9830b-b18a-4d21-b38c-cae1679e335f", // replace token: "2954980a0db18868974dc57a66be9ecdfe6f336b", // replace ... search: { ... tina: { indexerToken: "977c145439dda036080dd7a33478d2ba385ab5af", // replace stopwordLanguages: ["deu", "eng", "fra", "ita", "spa", "nld"] // consider adding or removing languages https://github.com/fergiemcdowall/stopword#language-code }, ... } ... ``` Go to your [Tina](https://tina.io/) account