+++ title = "Compose" [data] baseChartOn = 3 colors = ["#627c62", "#11819b", "#ef7f1a", "#4e1154"] columnTitles = ["Section", "Status", "Author"] fileLink = "content/projects.csv" title = "Projects" +++ {{< block "grid-2" >}} {{< column >}} # Compose your Docs with **Ease**. Compose is a lean `Hugo` documentation theme, inspired by [forestry.io](https://forestry.io/docs/welcome/). {{< tip "warning" >}} Feel free to open a [PR](https://github.com/onweru/compose/pulls), raise an [issue](https://github.com/onweru/compose/issues/new/choose "Open a Github Issue")(s) or request new feature(s). {{< /tip >}} {{< tip >}} You can generate diagrams, flowcharts, and piecharts from text in a similar manner as markdown using [mermaid](./docs/compose/mermaid/). Or, [generate graphs, charts](docs/compose/graphs-charts-tables/#show-a-pie-doughnut--bar-chart-at-once) and tables from a csv, ~~or a json~~ file. {{< /tip >}} {{< button "docs/compose/" "Read the Docs" >}}{{< button "https://github.com/onweru/compose" "Download Theme" >}} {{< /column >}} {{< column >}} ![diy](/images/scribble.jpg) {{< /column >}} {{< /block >}}